How to use proxies with Internet Explorer

Step 1: Go to Tools> Internet Options.

Internet Explorer Proxy Settings - Step 1

Step 2: Click Connections > LAN Settings.

Internet Explorer Proxy Settings - Step 2

Step 3: On Local Area Networn (LAN) Settings, click “Use a proxy server for your LAN”.

Type the Proxy in Address field. Type the Port number in Port field.  You can also use other ports like 80, 3128,  52931.

Internet Explorer Proxy Settings - Step 3

Step 4: Click Advanced. On Proxy Settings,  Check “Use the same proxy server for all protocols”.

Internet Explorer Proxy Settings - Step 4Click OK to save settings. 

Next, open a browser to to verify that the IP displayed is the proxy’s IP address. 

If so, you have successfully proxied your internet connection. 

Get Proxies For Your Browser

Other Guides

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up proxies on your iPhone and iPad devices.

View our guide and example code on how you can use our proxies in PHP. We support PHP code as long as the CURL library is enabled.

You can easily use our proxies within the Linux CLI using any command-line tool you love. Below we have collected some instructions on how to use CURL and WGET to send HTTP requests using our proxies.