What is a Proxy Server List

A proxy server list is a collection of IP addresses and ports for proxy servers. A single proxy might not always be available, reliable, or offer the specific features needed.

Having a list of proxies provides options to choose from based on location, speed, and intended use. Certain activities, like data scraping or social media account management, benefit from using a large pool of IP addresses. A list allows users to rotate through these IPs to avoid detection or throttling by websites.

Choose Your Proxy Server List

High Anonymity Proxies

Unparalleled anonymity.

HTTP Proxy

Fast data transmission.

IPV4 Proxy

Maximum compatibility.

Shared Proxy IPs

For cost-effective projects.

Datacenter Proxy Servers

Superior speed and stability.


For secure connections.

Static Proxy

Consistent and fixed IPs.

Private Proxy Servers

Exclusive access and usage.

How to Use Proxy Servers

Step 1: Access Your Assigned Proxies

After purchasing proxies, log in to your proxy account. You’ll find all your proxy IP addresses and ports in the “Assigned Proxies” section.

Step 2: Authorize Your IP Address

To allow your device to use the proxies, click on the “Authorize IPs” tab. Any IP address you authorize here will be able to connect to the servers listed in your “Assigned Proxies”.

Proxy Checker - How to check your poxies - Step 1

Step 3: Test Your Proxy Server Connection

Click on the “Test Proxies” tab. Then, enter the URLs you want to test. Be sure to include “http” or “https” in the URLs, as SquidProxies work with websites that use these protocols.

Proxy Checker - How to check your poxies - Step 3


After clicking the “Test” button, you’ll see the response status for each target website.

  • Success: This means your proxy server connected successfully, and you’re ready to use the servers on your device or tool.
  • Failed: If you encounter a “Failed” message or any other error status, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help you troubleshoot.